Prepping For Severe Weather

South Dakotans are spending the week becoming aware of the approaching severe weather season. A statewide tornado drill was held Wednesday. Beadle County Emergency Manager Tom Moeding says the week is a good time to make sure your ready for whatever the sky throws your way. He says outdoor warning siren should not be taken as a sole method of finding out about severe weather…


Moeding is looking to expand the use of social media to assist in getting the message out that dangerous conditions may be headed your way….


Moeding adds that outdoor warning sirens should NOT be your call to go outside. The June 21st windstorm is just one example of how dangerous being outside could be…


You can follow the Beadle County Emergency Management page on Facebook by searching for Beadle County Office of Emergency Management. The Beadle County FIPS code for programming a weather radio is 046005.