Preparing For The Insurance Mandate

This week the United States Department of Health and Human Services has a website and 24 hour call center established to help Americans prepare to meet the insurance mandate that is part of the Affordable Care Act passed by Congress known to some as Obamacare…


Center for Medicaid and Medicare Service Region Eight Administrator Diane Domke says the website and call center can help you get enrolled….


Domke says once on the website or on the phone there are a number of options for choose from…


Six Community Health Centers in South Dakota will be sharing 554-thousand dollars to help people get enrolled in a health insurance plan. Another 600-thousand dollars will go to hire navigators to help people enroll in communities. The South Dakota legislature is debating the merits of developing a health insurance exchange of it’s own or let the federal government cover the exchange for the first few years. The phone number for the call center is 1-800-318-25-96. The website is