PR News Poll: Huron School Board

Last week, Performance Radio News wanted to know who you would choose for the city side of the city/school board municipal election being held next week. This week, it’s the school board candidates turn. Stop by the Performance Radio News page on Facebook to take part in the poll. Anyone registered to vote within the Huron School District is eligible to vote. Once you vote in the poll you are allowed to change your vote, but you can not un-vote. Due to the nature of the Facebook poll function, votes are public and can be seen by anyone viewing the poll. We ask that you please vote ONLY if you are able to on April 9th. Any votes that come from outside of the school district will be eliminated. Much like the city candidate poll last week, the school board candidates will be paired, since two spots on the school board are up for election. We will have results of the poll on Friday and a reminder that results of the poll are unscientific and designed to gauge public perception on the upcoming school board election.