The Huron Police Department is pleased with the turn out for Tuesday night’s National Night Out event in Campbell park. Over 10 community groups had booths or activities for people attending to take in. The night included door prizes and performances in the Campbell Park band shell. Police Chief Gary Will was thrilled with the way the community took part….
Volunteer Services Coordinator Mark Johnson says that the National Night Out accomplished it’s goals….
[audio:|titles=natniteout2]The night also included a Watermelon eating contest that had young and old going seed to seed….
[audio:|titles=natniteout3]A fire truck and ambulance were on display on California Avenue along with a National Guard Hum-vee and two of the police Department’s newest Dodge Charger Patrol Cars. Both Will and Johnson are hopeful the inaugural success of the National Night Out event will lead it to become even bigger for next year.