Huron Police are investigating a series of car fires early Sunday morning that Police Chief Gary Will, Jr says could be arson…
Will says both fire and police we’re dispatched around 5:30 AM…
[audio:|titles=autoarson2]The motor home sustained an estimated 30-thousand dollars worth of damage. Will says they have no suspects at this time but do have two persons of interest they’d like to talk with…
[audio:|titles=autoarson3]The Asian male was wearing a white T-shirt and black shorts at the time. The white maleis approximately five-feet, nine-inches tall and has curly blonde hair.Will says anyone who saw anything suspicious or with information on the vehicle fires is encouraged to contact police. Will adds that police believe the burned vehicles were unlocked at the time and reminds residents to secure their cars and trucks. The crimes are now a Crimestoppers crime meaning that a reward may be offered for information leading to an arrest Callers may remain anonymous. Those with information can call the Huron PD at 353-85-50 or Crimestoppers at 353-85-55.