Performance Radio Wins 5 Awards For Excellence In News And Sports

2015sevareidFor the sixth consecutive year Performance Radio is bringing a prestigious Eric Sevareid award back to Huron. The Midwest Broadcast Journalist Association presented five Sevareids to the news and sports departments at Performance Radio. Ten entries were made in the annual contest, seven in news and three for sports. In General Reporting an Award of Merit was given for a February 2014 story on a design charette for the James River Master Plan…


In the Audio category a second Award of Merit was received for a story in May of last year on an active shooter drill performed at Huron Regional Medical Center….


And Performance Radio’s coverage of the Jerauld County Tornado Outbreak on June 18th got an Award of Merit in the Spot News, or breaking news category….


Performance Radio News entered but was not nominated for website, Soft Feature and Talk/Public Affairs. In sports, an Award of Merit was picked up in play-by-play for coverage of the Huron Tiger 3rd place volleyball State Tournament game and First Place in documentary/special for the 2015 Dakota Sports Year-In-Review. The awards were given Saturday night at the conclusion of the 2015 Midwest Journalism Conference in Bloomington, Minnesota. Performance Radio now has 36 Eric Sevareid Awards, 33 for news and three for sports.