Performance Radio News Wins 6 AP Awards

Performance Radio News has wrapped up the news award season with six nods from the Associated Press in the categories of general reporting, best use of audio and talk and public affairs. In general reporting Performance Radio News won first place for a story on the sentencing of James Harris, the Minnesota man sentenced to prison for a drunk driving accident that killed De Smet teenager Zachary Eichstadt….


Third place was awarded to Performance Radio News in general reporting for a story on the fire that destroyed Springs Auto in Wessington Springs. In the talk and public affairs category first place went to an interview done with South Dakota Supreme Court Chief Justice David Gilbertson on the one year anniversary of cameras in South Dakota courts…


Third place in talk and public affairs was awarded for an interview with Huron Public Safety Director Gary Will about the texting and driving ban. In the best use of audio category, second place was awarded for a story on a night time ride-a-long with the Huron Police Department as a part of the Citizen’s Police Academy and third place for a story on the Black Friday holiday rush. Four of the six stories also won Eric Sevareid awards this year. The Associated Press Great Plains Broadcast News Contest includes A-P member stations from South Dakota, North Dakota and Nebraska. Performance Radio News now has 11 Associated Press awards to go with 24 Sevareid awards. You can hear the AP winning stories, posted below:


General Reporting:

Talk/Public Affairs:

Best Use of Audio