Performance Radio News Takes Six Sevarieds

For the fifth consecutive year, the Northwest Broadcast News Association has recognized Performance Radio News for excellence in broadcast journalism. Six Eric Sevareid Awards came back to Huron following the annual Eric Sevareid Awards Banquet Saturday night in Bloomington, Minnesota. Performance Radio News won two Awards of Merit in best use of audio and Hard Feature for a story about life as a Huron Police Officer on New Years Eve…


Coverage of the Huron Police Department netted a third award, First Place in the Soft Feature category for story on a special live training the police department’s Special Response Team did in an abandoned house in Woonsocket last March….


In Talk and Public Affairs, First Place was awarded for an interview with Todd Heitkamp at the National Weather Service for a special marking the 10 year anniversary of Tornado Tuesday…


Coverage of the escape of Kansas fugitive Charles Beeney gained Performance Radio News a First Place Sevareid for best Spot or breaking news coverage….


And for the fifth straight year our website was recognized as one of the Upper Midwest’s best small market websites for on-line news coverage with an Award of Merit Sevareid Award.  We’ve posted the award winning stories below