Ordinance Change Regulating Campaign Signs Approved

City of HuronThe Huron City Commission approved the first reading of an ordinance revision that would extend the amount of time political and campaign signage could be displayed prior to an election. Last week the Commission shot down a revision to the ordinance that not only extended the time frame for signs to be displayed, but put restrictions on the sizes and locations of such signs. City Planner Ralph Borkowski says concerns expressed last week were addressed in the new language…


The ordinance, if adopted after a second reading on December 15th, would make it legal to post campaign and election signs at the South Dakota State Fair. This year, the State Fair took place more than 60 days before the mid term election, meaning all political signs posted by the State Democratic, Republican and other parties and candidates were posted illegally. The sign debate began after both the Republican and Democratic parties complained to city officials about the others placement of campaign signs.