Opsal Agreement Gives No Reason Why Deal Was Reached

The Huron School District released an agreement Monday between the District and it’s former Superintendent Ross Opsal. School Board Attorney Rodney Freeman says Circuit Court Judge Jon Erickson signed the order confirming his ruling stating the agreement must be opened Monday afternoon. School Board Chairman Tim VanBerkum asked Freeman if by appealing the State Hearing Examiners decision was the District in the clear….


The School Board voted to unseal the agreement, which VanBerkum read verbatim for approximately 10 minutes. Board member David Wheeler says releasing the agreement is the right thing to do…


Nowhere in the agreement released, indicated why the District entered into the agreement with Opsal. It did reveal the Huron School District was to provide just under 1200-dollars per month for Opsal to purchase hospitalization and major medical insurance from April 1st of 2011 to June 12th of 20121. The unsealed agreement also indicated that if Opsal would have found a new job as a school administrator, the payments were to stop. Board Member John Halbkat was School Board Chairman when the deal with Opsal was reached. His signature is on the agreement…


VanBerkum is the only other current School Board member in place when the deal was struck…


The agreement also indicates that had Opsal secured employment at a salary less than 110-thousand dollars a year, the District would have paid Opsal the difference between the pay and 110-thousand dollars. Click on the audio player to listen to the Huron School Board’s dealing in regards to the Ross Opsal agreement:Huron School Board Ross Opsal segments Sept 9 2013