The petition drive to put a one cent sales tax increase on next November’s ballot is well underway. Education and medical groups want the money to make up for legislative budget cuts. Bryce Healy, executive director of the South Dakota Education Association says they are confident they can get the signatures they need…
[audio:|titles=Bryce Healy 1004a]There have been some polls showing opposition to raising taxes. Healy says they think they can answer questions about the need for the additional money…
[audio:|titles=Bryce Healy 1004b]Healy says he thinks parents will start to see more of the effects of the budget cutting on their local schools…
[audio:|titles=Bryce Healy 1004c]The one cent increase in the state sales tax would raise about one hundred seventy five million dollars a year, and would be split evenly between education and medical costs. The groups need over sixteen thousand signatures by November first.
(courtesy WNAX Yankton)