Officials Urge Caution Near Road Blocks, Fire Appears Accidental

Firefighters deal with a number of hazards when doing their job. One thing they shouldn’t have to worry about is traffic. That wasn’t the case Monday as firefighters from Cavour and Iroquois worked to knock down a fire that heavily damaged the Highway 14 Roadhouse in Cavour. A building that sits just feet away from U-S Highway 14….


Beadle County Emergency Manager Tom Moeding was directing traffic to a detour route through Cavour on the east side of town. He says what the drivers did was dangerous for a number of reasons…


Moeding says drivers running road blocks also run the risk of hitting a firefighter who is not expected a vehicle in there work space. Most people did slow down and paid attention…


The penalty for not obeying a road block is a Class Two misdemeanor with a fine of 200 dollar and or 30 days in jail.  As for the fire itself, State Fire Marshall Paul Merriam says investigators are still looking into the cause…


Merriam did not know when the investigation would be completed.