October Outlook Favorable For Getting Crops In The Bin

harvestSouth Dakotans can expect warmer than average temperatures to continue through October, according to the latest climate outlook released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s NOAA Climate Prediction Center…

Octtober Climate Outlook – Laura Edwards 10-05-15 Cut 1

SDSU Extension Climate Field Specialist Laura Edwards says some of the benefits of warmer weather can help ag producers save money, especially in grain drying.

Octtober Climate Outlook – Laura Edwards 10-05-15 Cut 2

Edwards says that one potential negative impact of the late summer and early fall warm weather could be dry soil conditions for winter wheat planting.

Octtober Climate Outlook – Laura Edwards 10-05-15 Cut 3

Edwards said we haven’t seen a hard frost yet, and shouldn’t see one for at least another week and a half.