Nutritional Supplement Manufacturing Company in Woonsocket Approved for REDI Fund Loan

Newly formed entity, Dak Pak, LLC, was approved earlier this month by the Board of Economic Development for a $1.08 million REDI (Revolving Economic Development and Initiative) Fund loan. Dak Pak’s affiliated company, Max One Nutrition LLC, dba Max Muscle Nutrition, specializes in manufacturing and selling active nutrition and supplements.

Its new owner, South Dakota entrepreneur Terry Wieting, chose to relocate the headquarters to Sioux Falls, while simultaneously opening the new manufacturing plant, Dak Pak, in Woonsocket, SD. The Woonsocket plant, known locally as the “McKenzie Building,” will begin blending and packaging Max Muscle’s newest nutritional supplements later this year.

“Terry is a South Dakota farm-raised, self-driven entrepreneur. His background in software development, including his agriculture app, ‘AgSense,’ pioneered precision irrigation and remote management solutions for farmers around the globe. We’re pleased Terry chose to grow his entrepreneurial portfolio in South Dakota and this new business venture will likely prove to have an impact on global nutrition for years to come,” said Gov. Dennis Daugaard.

Wieting purchased the 144,000 square-foot building in Woonsocket earlier this year. Monies from the REDI Fund loan will be used to renovate the interior of the facility and purchase the equipment necessary for blending and packaging supplements. The establishment of Dak Pak will help bring jobs back to the Woonsocket community after a local taxidermy company closed.

“I’m the type of person who seeks out business opportunities wherever I can,” Wieting said. “I’ve made it my mission to develop and grow businesses that bring people to South Dakota, with an ultimate goal of helping them succeed. I’d like to thank the Board of Economic Development and the Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED) for their assistance and partnership throughout this process. I’m hopeful we’ll see Woonsocket thrive in the years to come.”

Wieting says Dak Pak will be operational soon.

(Governors Office of Economic Development)