Not Guilty Pleas Made In Soda Pop Robbery Case

moeller1A Lane man has been arraigned on charges stemming from an alleged armed robbery attempt last year. With attorney Aaron Plicher at his side, 61 year-old Martin Moeller pleaded not guilty and not guilty by reason of insanity to first-degree robbery and commission of a felony with a firearm. Moeller was deemed competent to stand trial earlier this month, after spending most of the time since his June, 2014 arrest at the Human Services Center in Yankton dealing with mental health issues. Court documents accuse Moeller of walking into the Super X convenience store last year and brandishing a long barreled revolver then taking two bottles of soda pop. He’s accused of retrieving the revolver after finding out he was short of money to purchase the drinks. Moeller is free on bond, but as a requirement of the bond, must take monthly doses of an anti-psychotic medication. A pre trial motions hearing is currently scheduled for June 2nd. A tentative trial date for Moeller is set for July 15th.