Noem Touts Benefits of Tax Reform During Visit to Huron

Rep. Kristi Noem made a stop in Huron yesterday as a part of her “Tax Cuts and Jobs” tour.

Noem, who was instrumental in negotiating the recently enacted tax reform package, has been meeting with families and businesses across the state to discuss the bill’s impact.

Noem says she chose Double D Western Wear for her visit to Huron because the store, owned by Dean and Judy Stevens, is a good example of a small South Dakota business that will benefit from tax reform.

Noem says the tax reform package isn’t perfect and there are some changes she wishes had been made to the final bill.

The Congressional Budget Office has projected the tax cuts could add over a trillion dollars to the deficit. Noem says she doesn’t agree with that analysis.

Noem also made appearances in Aberdeen, Brookings, Pierre, Rapid City, Sioux Falls and Watertown this week.