One of the bigger political debates of the approaching campaign season is in the balance after one candidate backs out. U-S Representative Kristie Noem informed the South Dakota Farmers Union that she will not be taking part in a debate with Democratic candidate Matt Varilek. South Dakota Farmers Union spokesman Chris Studer says Noem has known about the debate for some time…
At a Chamber of Commerce event in Sioux Falls, Noem said her campaign was looking to take part in debates with fair, non-biased, non-partisan organizations. That reason was never passed on the the Farmers Union…
[audio:|titles=noemnodebate2]Despite the snub Studer says they plan to have Varilek on stage…
[audio:|titles=noemnodebate3]Studer says a debate involving all 5 candidates for Public Utilities Commission is still scheduled for 3:15 on the Saturday of the State Fair.