Noem Pleased With Progress Being Made in Washington

South Dakota Representative Kristi Noem is feeling good about what’s getting done in Washington these days, despite the unrest and personnel changes at the White House. She says what has been accomplished has been phenomenal with the house and President passing a record number of bills.  South Dakota’s lone Congresswoman says that health care and tax reform are still needed, but that 14 regulatory measures have been passed that will remove more than 3.4 trillion dollars worth of tax burdens to small business

She claims not to be upset by the daily troubles that President Trump has encountered with staff changes and a special prosecutor that’s conducting an investigation into Russian meddling in the last U-S election.  Noem was happy to see General Kelly come into the White House. 

She says six months have passed by and there’s still no evidence of the administration colluding with Russia.

Noem’s remarks were made in Watertown while on the annual Congressional August recess.