NEWS POLL Results: Sirens

The results are in, in the latest Performance Radio News Poll on Facebook. We asked what did you do a week ago when severe weather sirens sounded as a squall line packing 75 mile an hour winds moved through town. Forty-two point nine percent of respondents said they take shelter as soon as they hear the sirens. An equal number say the exact opposite. Another 42.9 percent say they go outside and look a what is about to affect town. Fourteen-point-three percent will hear the sirens then look for additional information such as using the radio, T-V, Internet or cell phones to make a decision on whether or not to seek shelter. Last weeks storms dropped golf-ball sized hail in some areas in and around Huron. Winds gusted to just shy of 80 miles an hour at the Huron Regional Airport. The National Weather Service received a report of damage to vehicles five miles south of Huron and seven miles southeast of Huron, five to 10 inch diameter tree limbs were broken. A grain wagon was pushed into a fence and severe crop damage was reported at one location.  A majority of those who survived the deadly Joplin, Missouri tornado, said they needed additional information before deciding to take cover.  155 people died in that storm, even some who took proper pre-cautions.  We thank you for participating in the latest Performance Radio News Poll on Facebook.  A reminder, poll results are un-scientific