News Poll Entering Final Days

Only a hand full of days remain before the General Election on November sixth. There is still time for you to show support for your favorite candidate by casting a ballot in the Performance Radio News Mock Election Poll. After taking an early lead Senate candidate Chris Studer is now trailing Jim White as of Thursday evening. White saw a surge of votes during the day Thursday. On the House side, Peggy Gibson and Dick Werner are tied as the top vote getters, followed by Dale Hargens and Jay BK Slater. Voting will remain open until Monday Evening. A reminder that the results of the Performance Radio News Mock Election Poll are unscientific and have no bearing or influence on the upcoming Tuesday election. The poll is designed to gauge the communities feeling on the District 22 House and Senate races. Election coverage next Tuesday night begins on 1210-AM KOKK starting at 8 PM with updates throughout the night on 105-point-one the Eagle and Big Jim 93-three. Election coverage will move to 1340-AM KIJV following Huron Tiger Volleyball.