New Videos Commemorate Manchester Monument Dedication

Ten years ago, June 23, 2007, nearly 500 people gathered in a big tent centered on the main street of Manchester to dedicate the newly completed Manchester Monument.

To commemorate the tenth anniversary, two videos are being released, one devoted to the June 23, 2007, morning dedication ceremony and another to afternoon storytelling. Both were recorded on-site. The videos, Manchester Monument Dedication Program and Manchester Monument Dedication Storytelling are available on YouTube.  The programs, plus a copy of the dedication brochure, are also available at

A possible event at the site is being considered for June of 2018, which will mark the 15th anniversary of the devastating tornado.

The Manchester tornado destroyed the town and two nearby farms on June 24, 2003. Etched into a large central stone are the names of families who lived in Manchester Township since Homesteading.  The monument also pays homage to “those who came before us, whose names we might never know.”

The Manchester Monument was constructed by the late Harold Yost. He and his family lost their farm in the in the June 24, 2003, tornado.