New Stop Signs Installed East of Huron

The South Dakota Department of Transportation has installed stop signs at two intersections that connect with Highway 14 near Huron.

The intersections are located where Riverside Drive NE connects with Highway 14 near Asphalt Paving and Materials Co. and on the north side of Highway 14 near Edney Distributing Company.

Both intersections connect the service roads to Highway 14 and are located just east of the bridge over the James River.

The stop signs require traffic on the service roads to stop before crossing the intersection or turning onto Highway 14. Highway 14 traffic is not required to stop.

The stop signs were installed based on data collected by the department and input from the public. This is the same treatment used on other service road intersections along Highway 14 through Huron.

Please use extreme caution while drivers become familiar with the new traffic control signage.

(SD Dept. of Transportation)