New GF&P Boss Takes Over

imgresMonday brought the first day on the job for South Dakota’s new Game, Fish and Parks Secretary Kelly Hepler. Hepler is a South Dakota native and returns to the state after working since 1978 in Alaska-most recently as Assistant Commissioner for Alaska Department of Fish and Game. He replaces former South Dakota GFP Secretary Jeff Vonk-who retired January 8. Hepler grew up in Spearfish and says being able to return to the state is a “coming home” of sorts for him.


As for what he brings to the job, Hepler cites his background and relationships he’s already established with agencies across the country.


He says he looks forward to traveling around the state in future weeks to major GFP offices to meet department staff.


Hepler says he wants to hear from staff members at the meetings to get their opinions on various topics- like what the department should work on