New Details on Armed Man Arrested at Redfield Hospital

A gunman who caused a lockdown at a hospital in Redfield Monday has been arrested after releasing a ten-year-old child safe and sound.

Authorities say the armed man brought the child into the hospital with him. 

Matthew James Mathern, 30, faces a long list of potential charges including child endangerment and kidnapping.

Spink County State’s Attorney Victor Fischbach says the situation began with a high speed chase.

Fishbach says a deputy learned where Mathern might be headed and was able to alert the hospital.

Despite the advanced warning, Mathern was able to gain access to the hospital.

Fishbach says negotiations with the help of a family member finally caused the gunman to release the child and then eventually surrender. 

He says the man was armed with a handgun, but an AK-47 assault rifle with two clips of ammo was found in his vehicle outside the hospital. 

Mathern’s motivations for what happened are still not clear. Fischbach refuses to give many details because the investigation is ongoing.