Nationwide Peach Recall Impacts Fair City Foods.


imgresA nationwide recall of peaches, plums, plouts and nectarines is impacting a Huron grocery store. Fair City Foods says due to the recall announced by Wawona Packing Company of Cutler California, lug peaches sold during Fair City’s indoor tent sale last week are a part of the recall. Anyone who may have purchased the peaches should return the peaches or the receipt by August first for a full refund. Wawona is recalling fruits packed between June first and July 12th of this year that were shipped directly to retailers and wholesalers. The fruits tested positive for listeria, a potentially dangerous food-borne bacteria. Listeria can cause a life-threatening infection. It is of particular danger to older adults, pregnant women, newborns and adults with weak immune systems. Symptoms of listeria poisoning include fever, muscle aches, gastrointestinal distress, stiff neck, confusion loss of balance and convulsions. A Food and Drug Administration release says no illnesses have been linked to the recall to date.