Murder Suspects Hearing On Medications Today

The fate of John LeGrand could be determined by the end of the workday today. A hearing on how three medications the Sturgis man takes and how those medicine could have affected his ability to comprehend things around him is scheduled for this afternoon. The hearing was scheduled after LeGrand’s attorneys filed a motion to withdraw a guilty plea on the day LeGrand was supposed to be sentenced for fatally shooting Ricardo “RJ” Hein, after Hein entered LeGrand’s mobile home in April of 2009. LeGrand first said he felt pressured by his attorneys to sign a plea deal, then told Circuit Judge Vince Foley that he takes three medications and that things were quote “fuzzy” to him at the time he signed the plea deal. If the motion to withdraw the plea deal is denied by Foley, LeGrand will be sentenced tomorrow. Had LeGrand not made a deal with Beadle County prosecutors, his jury trial would have been nearing completion, this week.