The Huron City Commission, meeting as the Board of Adjustments, approved a variance request by Subway to install sign at the sandwich makers new location, across Dakota Avenue from Subway’s current location. The request was for the installation of a large sign and signs around the property, but nearby resident Robin Deming had a number of questions about business, that Mayor Dave McGirr says the Commission dealt with three years ago when Subway decided to move across Dakota Avenue to the old Mr. Goodwheels location. Deming insisted that her issues are not being addressed…
Deming had issues with fencing…
[audio:|titles=subway2]And lights…
[audio:|titles=subway3]And just when McGirr was ready to bring the sign that the variance hearing was intended for back up, drainage at the site was brought up…
[audio:|titles=subway4]And once the details of sign itself came up Deming still had questions about how much signage is allowed in the Historic Preservation District. City Planner Ralph Borkowski told Deming the location was grandfathered. The Commission approved the sign on a unanimous vote.