Motions Hearing In Fajardo Case Today

A motions hearing is set for today for Werner Fajardo the former, bar owner charged with multiple counts of rape. He’s accused in court documents of getting three young females drunk at his bar and dance hall and sexually assaulting them. The bar, the El Cuervo has ceased operation. A motion, yet to be decided by Judge Jon Erickson is whether or not to move Fajardo’s upcoming trial out of Huron, due to defense concerns over potential jurors views on race. Defense Attorney Carmen Means requested and was granted a phone survey be conducted, of possible jurors to gauge their feelings on race in the county, given the large number of Hispanic and Asian ethnicity’s who live in Beadle County and the negative comments she has heard regarding those populations. Also yet to be decided is a decision on allowing electronic media coverage of the trial, that is scheduled to start August 15th.