Motion To Move Fajardo Trial Out Of Huron Considered

Attorneys presented and discussed a number of motions in the Warner Fajardo case at the Beadle County Courthouse Tuesday. A motion to sequester witnesses in the case was granted. Prosecutors plan on calling approximately 10 to 11 witnesses in the case that include two expert witnesses, two police officers, and the three alleged victims of Fajardo. Fajardo’s attorney Carmen Means made a motion to transfer the case out of Huron because of media attention on the case. Means believes it would be difficult to pick a fair jury from a pool of Beadle County residents because of the coverage. She noted a second reason for moving the case. Means has general concerns about possible jurors views on race, saying there are many residents unhappy about the influx of Hispanic and Asian people moving to the area. Beadle County States Attorney Mike Moore opposed Means request, saying the diversity in the Huron area has been in place for a number of years. Moore says an attitude survey, suggested by Means, is not needed. Judge Jon Erickson says he’s heard it both ways, in support of and opposition to the increase in diversity. Erickson will wait to decide on a motion to sequester jurors until more information is obtained on how the jury pool feels on the issues brought by Means. Meanwhile a decision on expanded media coverage has not been made. When brought up Means said he had not talked to Fajardo on that issue. Erickson hopes to have a ruling on allowing cameras or audio only for the case early next week. Means anticipates asking for a continuance in the case. Trial is tentatively set to start May 16th.