Beadle County State’s Attorney Mike Moore is South Dakota’s newest Prosecutor of the Year…
Moore was nominated for the honor by Codingtion County State’s Attorney Dawn Elshere…
[audio:|titles=poty2]Elshere and Moore have worked with each other before in cases. Elshere had Moore assist her in the David Amunton murder case in Watertown. And Moore called on Elshere to act as special prosecutor in the case of former Huron police officer Tony Beerman, who was charged with sending sexual explicit text messages to a 15-year old girl. Moore says he’s touched to be recognized by others in his field
[audio:|titles=poty3]Since February of 2009, the Beadle County States Attorney’s office has prosecuted six cases that involved charges of murder or manslaughter. Only one remains open. Edwin Thompson faces a second degree murder charge in relation to the death of Ryan Treadway in November of 2009. Thompson trial is set for the last week of June.