Moeller Found Not Competent To Stand Trial In Soda Pop Robbery

moeller1A Lane man has been ordered back to the Human Services Center in Yankton following a competency hearing Tuesday in Huron. Martin Moeller pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity to first-degree robbery and commission of a felony with a firearm in September of last year. At that time, Judge Jon Erickson ordered a psychiatric evaluations of Moeller. Deputy Beadle County States Attorney Dan Nelson says that evaluation was done in November…


Defense attorney Arron Plicher, based on the report asked Erickson to find Moeller not competent to stand trial, a request that was granted with no objection from Nelson. He says the report was extensive…


The incident happened on June 9th of last year, but the case could linger for years….


Nelson says there is no time line in place for future competency hearings. Moeller is accused of entering the Super X convenience store in Huron to buy two bottles soda pop. When told he did not have enough money to make the purchase, he exited and returned with a long barreled revolver and took the soda. He was arrested later that day in the Jerauld County.