Mixed Reaction from Congressional Delegation Over US Pulling Out of Nuke Deal

There is full throated praise from Senator John Thune and Congresswoman Kristi Noem on President Trump pulling out of the Iran nuke deal, but only qualified support from Senator Rounds.

Senator Thune says he’s never supported the Iran nuclear deal so applauds President Trump’s decision to pull out of it.

Thune says the deal only delayed Iran’s ability to get nukes. He says the Trump Administration must now negotiate a new deal which guarantees that Iran will never get nukes.

Congresswoman Noem is also praising Trump….saying we should have walked away from this deal in the very beginning, and she’s glad the President was bold enough to do so.

Rounds makes no bones about it being a very, very bad deal, but he would have preferred that the President try to modify the existing deal to make it stronger.

He’s concerned that Iran has already spent the billions of dollars that the deal gave it.