Mitchell Looking To Join Huron And Other Cities With Texting Bans

The Mitchell City Council has re-started an effort to ban texting while driving in city limits. The group delayed a decision last fall pending the outcome a proposed statewide ban during the legislative session. The bill died in committee. Mayor Ken Tracy says it’s an issue that deserves discussion.  Councilman Mel Olson favors a distracted driving ban….


Councilwoman Susan Tjarks favors a texting ban….


State Senator Mike Vehle, who sponsored the measure in Pierre, delivered his message to the council…


Following a lengthy discussion the council voted 5 to 3 to continue work on a texting ban at the next meeting. Council members Allen, Doescher, Smith, Tjarks and Olson voted “yes”, with Barington, Rice, and Carlson voting “no”.