Miller To Impose 1% Municipal Gross Receipts Tax

MoneyPIERRE, S.D. (AP) – Four South Dakota communities will soon be implementing municipal tax changes.

The state’s Business Tax Division says the communities that will see changes starting Jan. 1 are Veblen, Colome, Hurley and Miller.

Veblen will increase its 1 percent general sales and use tax rate to 2 percent, while Miller is imposing a 1 percent municipal gross receipts tax rate on lodging, eating establishments and alcoholic beverages.

Colome and Hurley will impose a 1 percent municipal gross receipts tax rate on lodging, eating establishments, alcoholic beverages, and ticket sales or admissions to places of amusement, athletic and cultural events.

The changes in Miller, Colome and Hurley are in addition to the 2 percent general sales and use tax rate in each community.