Midco Announces Plans To Speed Up Internet Even More

broadbandPlans are in place to provide for faster Internet access across the Dakotas and Minnesota. Midcontinent Communications wants to make Gigabit Speeds available for more than 650-thousand home and businesses within the next three years.  The company plans to build a high-capacity fiber optic network that covers more than 76-hundred miles in region.  Vice-president Tom Simmons says what might have been considered “adequate”speeds a few years ago, doesn’t apply to the Internet needs of today…


Simmons says the service will be 35-times faster than the average high-speed access in America…


Simmons says the goal is to have all infrastructure in place by early 2017. The first cities with access to Gigabit service will include Fargo, Bismark, Grand Forks, Sioux Falls and Rapid City The estimated cost of the project is 75-million dollars.