Mid-America Economy Stays In Growth Mode

MoneyThe Creighton University Mid-America Business Conditions Index for December, a leading economic indicator for a nine-state region stretching from North Dakota to Arkansas, jumped from November’s tepid reading. The index over the past several months is pointing to positive economic gains over the next three to six months for the region.  The Business Conditions Index, which ranges between 0 and 100, rose to 54-point-four from November’s 51-point three.  Ernie Goss, director of Creighton University’s Economic Forecasting Group says employment had some solid growth…

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For three of the past four months, the prices-paid index, which tracks the cost of raw materials and supplies, declined for the month.  Goss says that’s good news for businesses…

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Goss says the business confidence index stayed in the positive growth area…

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Goss says the new export orders index sank to 52-point-seven from 57-point-zero in November, while the import index for December climbed to 56-point-seven from November’s 51-point-zero.  The Creighton Economic Forecasting Group has conducted the monthly survey of supply managers in nine states since 1994 to produce leading economic indicators of the Mid-America economy.