Mid-America Business Index Continues Slide

MoneyThe Creighton University Mid-America Business Conditions Index for December, a leading economic indicator for a nine-state region stretching from Arkansas to North Dakota, was down again for the month. Ernie Goss, director of Creighton University’s Economic Forecasting Group says the overall index faded for another month…

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The regional employment gauge plummeted for December, and indicates job losses for the manufacturing and value added services sectors including warehousing. The job gauge declined to 37.1 from 41.7 in November. Goss says companies are eliminating jobs…

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This month supply managers were asked to forecast 2016 wage gains for their businesses. On average, wages and salaries are expected to expand by 2.2 percent, or slightly above anticipated inflation.  Looking ahead six months, economic optimism, as captured by the December business confidence index, advanced to a tepid 49.1 from 41.2 in November. Goss says there are steps that could help…

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The Creighton Economic Forecasting Group has conducted the monthly survey of supply managers in nine states since 1994.