Medical Marijuana Supporters To Protest With 3rd Street Parade During State Fair


City CommissionSupporters of medical marijuana and industrial hemp are planning on marching from the South Dakota State Fair to Campbell Park on Friday. Cody Gardner of Huron is with South Dakotans Against Prohibition. He requested a noise permit, temporary street closures and a parade permit from the Huron City Commission Monday night…


Gardner claims most if not all candidates running under the Libertarian Party banner will be a part of the pot supporters protest. Public Safety Director Gary Will Jr. says the most difficult request to accommodate is safely getting the group from the State Fair down Thrid street in Huron to Dakota Avenue, a major artery for getting people to and from the State Fairgrounds….


Gardner says his group needs approximately 30 minutes to walk the eight blocks from the State Fairgrounds to Dakota Avenue/Highway 37. It was suggested that only the eastbound lanes of Third street be closed off, with members of the group acting as street blockers in advance of the marchers. It’s an idea that did not sit will with Commissioner Mark Robish….


The group intends to start their protest during the gubernatorial debate at the South Dakota State Fair, showing support for Independent candidate Mike Myers. They will also protest at 3rd and Dakota before making their way to Campbell Park for a pro-pot rally.