Medicaid Increases One Of Many Topics At Final Legislative Forum

The lawmakers of District 22 gathered one final time Saturday at the Huron Municipal Building to take part in the last Coffee with the Legislators forum sponsored by the Huron Chamber and Visitor’s Bureau. While the crowd was again good, there were fewer audience questions, giving Representatives Peggy Gibson and Dick Werner and Senator Jim White the opportunity to touch on various items that caught their eyes in Pierre. One question that did come from the crowd was on Medicaid expansion. Steve Gubbrud, executive director of Our Home in Huron was curious if there is talk in Pierre of providing additional money for providers, something he says is greatly needed….


Gibson says Democrats in the Capitol are talking about it….


Werner says there hasn’t been talk about reducing the three-percent increase proposed by Governor Dennis Daugaard…


White says they see the employee turn over numbers as information comes to the House and Senate Appropriations committees and there is some hope proposed…


This is the final week for the main run of the 2014 legislative session.