Meandering Waters Bill Killed

Yet another attempt to find some common ground between landowners and sportsmen over water access issues hit a snag in the Senate Ag and Natural Resources committee Tuesday as committee members opted to send House Bill 1208 to the 41st legislative day, effectively killing the legislation this year.  The bill’s sponsor Representative Brock Greenfield of Clark backed the legislation in an attempt to take what he said was a baby step in trying to resolve the long running dispute between sportsmen and landowners.  The legislation would enact a 660 foot set back from homes near the water and prohibit the use of motorized vehicles, including motor boats, in the restricted zones…


Some of the sharpest critics of the legislation are Day county landowners, including Gret Pesall…


The vote in committee Tuesday was unanimous to kill the bill.  Committee members said more work is needed on the legislation and they’re hopeful all sides will come together once again over the coming months to try and find a solution.