Mayoral Candidates Speak During First Of Two Forums

The candidates hoping to be seated at the center chair in the Huron City Commission Chambers defined their ambitions for Huron during a candidate forum Saturday. Former AFSCME union rep Paul Aylward says streets would be a priority for him if elected mayor April 9th…


Current City Commissioner Kerwin Haeder went over his allotted time with six items he would address if elected to fill the vacant chair of David McGirr…


Other priorities for Haeder included updating the city’s comprehensive plan, city appearance, addressing mill levy rates and using Splash Central to grow Huron.  Aylward and Haeder will have a second and final opportunity to answer questions from voters this Saturday at the Aroma Coffee Cafe during a candidate forum sponsored by the Huron Young Professionals group. That event will also feature candidates for the Huron School Board.