Mayor McGirr Gracefully Bows Out


Fifteen years on the Huron City Commission dais came to a close for David McGirr Monday. McGirr spent nine years on the Huron City Commission and the last six as mayor. McGirr addressed a capacity crowd at the Huron Municipal Building, recalling the state of the city when he got to the Commission…


With McGirr’s help, Huron turned around…


Because of that new growth since 2005,  mill levy rates have dropped by 20-percent. That growth spurred the development of projects like Splash Central, the Huron Community Campus and numerous park and recreation upgrades and enhancements. McGirr closed by thanking, supporters, past and present commissioners, city staff and of course, family….


McGirr closed his thoughts by thanking the resident of Huron and saying his time as Mayor is something he wouldn’t trade for the world. You can hear McGirr’s entire good bye address click the audio player: swearing in