Anyone who’s been outside lately has likely seen something that resembles a small black helicopter in their yards. That’s right, The Feather-legged Gallinipper is back…
Jim Wilson Extension Pesticide Coordinator at South Dakota State University first identified the sizable skeeters in and round Huron last August. The Gallinippers are in their larvae stage which means they will try and take a bite of anything and will even bite through clothing. Huron Parks and Recreation Director LaRon Klock has received a number of calls asking about what the massive mosquitoes are. As Wilson says the bird-like bug is aggressive but has shown no evidence that it carries the West Nile Virus. No matter whether they are super-sized or standard, the same protection steps should be taken to avoid being bitten..
[audio:|titles=bigskeeter3]Gallinippers and so called Elephant mosquitoes are some of the largest known mosquitoes on earth…
[audio:|titles=bigskeeter4]Humans are not the only thing on the Feather-legged Gallinippers menu.. They are known to eat other mosquitoes as well. Eggs can lay dormant in the ground for a number of years before hatching. Featherlegged Gallinippers have been seen in other communities across the state.