A rural Woonsocket man is dead following a house fire. The Jerauld County State’s Attorneys Office was notified Tuesday of the death of 58-year-old Robert Nielson. In a press release State’s Attorney Casey Bridgeman says the fire occurred Tuesday June 12 in the early
morning. A report of a fire was called in to the Huron Police Department Dispatch Center at 5:39 AM on the morning in question. Jerauld County Coroner Rebecca Leslie declared Nielson dead at the scene. The South Dakota State Fire Marshall and Department of Criminal Investigation are assisting both the Jerauld and Sanborn County Sheriff’s Offices with the continuing investigation. The cause of the fire is unknown. The rural farmstead where Nielson was found was still smoking late Tuesday afternoon. The driveway to the residence three miles west and three miles south of Woonsocket was gated off and flowers sit at the base of the mailbox at the location.