The Huron man who pleaded guilty to accidentally shooting his twin brother to death in March was sentenced Tuesday at the Beadle County Courthouse. Eric Macauley dressed in a black vest and dark jeans, sat quietly while attorney Carmen Means told Judge Jon Erickson that Macauley has endured the most difficult 8 months of his life. She said Macauley had no intentions of taking his brothers life and that drugs and alcohol were not involved in the shooting. Means called the shooting of David Macaluley an accident. Erickson said it was a tragic situation that Macauley needs to live with. He issued a suspended execution of sentence for 3 years of prison time with 198 days in jail and credit for the 198 days Macauley stayed in the Beadle County Jail this year. Other conditions of Erickson sentence include a 1000 dollar fine and 5 years of probation. Macauley is not allowed alcohol or to be in bars. He cannot leave South Dakota without the courts permission and will be subjected to random drug tests. As a result of the sentence, Macauley will not see additional jail time and is free.