LSI Donates $70,000 To Alpena Fire Department As Part Of Expansion

A waste water improvement project in Alpena has turned into a windfall bonus for the city’s fire department. Jack Links, Incorporated has donated 70-thousand dollars to the Alpena Fire Department. Lynn Van Hoffwagon of Dakota Americas says her group was able to bring New Market Tax Credit Financing to help make the project happen….


L-S-I Plant Manager Rick Tebay says the gift to the fire department about being a good neighbor…


The City of Alpena is contributing nearly two-million dollars to the project. some of which is grant money. Alpena Fire Chief Gary Orth says he has some ideas for the money…


The water plant expansion is a part of a 26-thousand square feet expansion of the main production facility, that also includes 11-thousand square feet of renovated space. The plant expansion is expected to employ up 75 “team members” by 2017. The New Market Tax Credit Financing is the same financing process used by the City of Huron to fund the 12-point-five million dollars Splash Central water park and Central Park facility on the former Huron University campus.