Low Octane Lawsuit Filed In Jerauld County

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) – A South Dakota Democratic state legislator is among a group of people accusing two fuel companies of overcharging for their gasoline and lying about its quality.  Flandreau Rep. Mitch Fargen and five other people filed the lawsuit in Jerauld County court in South Dakota.  They say Harms Oil Co. of Brookings and M.G. Oil Co. of Rapid City sold 85-octane gasoline to customers while telling them the octane rating was 87. The higher octane fuel usually commands a higher price.  Many vehicles require a minimum 87 octane rating. A lower octane rating can cause rough engine running.

A vice president at Harms Oil says he disagrees with the lawsuit’s allegations.  A spokesman for M.G. Oil wouldn’t return calls asking for comment.