Turning south onto Lincoln Avenue from Westbound U.S. Highway 14 could get quicker because of action approved by the Huron City Commission Monday Night. Public Safety Commissioner Kerwin Haeder says the State Department of Transportaion is willing to work with Huron to speed up turning at the intersection…
Mayor Dave McGirr and others comment on how frustrating it can be waiting for the light to change…
[audio:http://prprt.itmwpb.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/688/2011/10/lincolnloop2.mp3|titles=lincolnloop2]The State Department of Transportation will reimburse the City of Huron for the 500 dollar cost of the loop with the city covering the estimated 500 dollar in house cost installing the device. Haeder believes the street department will have the loop in place sometime in November.