LeGrand Sentencing Delayed After Plea Withdrawal Motion Made

Televison crews film John LeGrand's enterance to the Beadle County Courthouse Monday

Family members of Ricardo Hein, who assembled in a Beadle County Courtroom left disappointed Tuesday as a last minute motion to withdraw John LeGrand’s guilty was presented to Circuiit Judge Vince Foley. LeGrand told Foley he felt pressured and coerced by his legal team. After meeting in Foley’s Chambers for nearly 20 minutes, the parties returned only to have LeGrands state of mind at the time he signed the plea deal into question after he stated he was on three medications, that may have altered his ability to think clearly. Foley maintained early in the hearing that LeGrand merely was showing a change of heart, because a self-defense defense was presented to him as an option many times before he signed the plea agreement. LeGrand claims that the withdrawal was not a last minute decision and he didn’t want to sign the plea deal saying qoute” I had a justifiable reason to defend myself” end quote. Beadle County States Attorney Mike Moore said following the hearing he’s disappointed in the delay….


Foley did not grand the motion to withdraw LeGrand’s plea but did not sentence the Sturgis man either. A hearing regarding the medications LeGrand takes and how they effect a human is set for November 1st with a new sentencing date of November 2nd.