LeGrand Makes Plead Deal Guilty Of Manslaughter

John Lee LeGrand pleads guilty to shooting Ricardo RJ Hein in April of 2009

Another of Huron’s five  homicide cases is coming to a close. John Lee LeGrand has reached a plea bargain agreement with both the Beadle and Meade County States Attorneys Offices. Beadle County States Attorney Mike Moore…


Moore says LeGrand also will plead guilty to one of multiple drug related charges in Meade County…


LeGrand told Circuit Judge Vince Foley the wide range of drug charges he was facing in Meade county was the reason he agreed to a plea deal. Foley took his time in ensuring LeGrand understood his Constitutional Rights while preparing to accept the guilty plea. Moore says the sentences will run concurrently when handed down….


Moore says the 42-year-old would have to serve approximately 65 to 75 percent of his sentence before being eligible for parole. A pre-sentence investigation was ordered by Foley and formal sentencing in Beadle County is scheduled for October 18th.